
Header File: Kokkos_StdAlgorithms.hpp

namespace Kokkos{
namespace Experimental{

template <class ExecutionSpace, class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator unique_copy(const ExecutionSpace& exespace,                    (1)
                           InputIterator first_from, InputIterator last_from,
                           OutputIterator first_to);

template <class ExecutionSpace, class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator unique_copy(const std::string& label,                          (2)
                           const ExecutionSpace& exespace,
                           InputIterator first_from, InputIterator last_from,
                           OutputIterator first_to);

template <
  class ExecutionSpace,
  class DataType1, class... Properties1,
  class DataType2, class... Properties2>
auto unique_copy(const ExecutionSpace& exespace,                              (3)
                 const Kokkos::View<DataType1, Properties1...>& source,
                 const Kokkos::View<DataType2, Properties2...>& dest);

template <
  class ExecutionSpace,
  class DataType1, class... Properties1,
  class DataType2, class... Properties2>
auto unique_copy(const std::string& label,                                    (4)
                 const ExecutionSpace& exespace,
                 const Kokkos::View<DataType1, Properties1...>& source,
                 const Kokkos::View<DataType2, Properties2...>& dest);

template <
  class ExecutionSpace,
  class InputIterator, class OutputIterator,
  class BinaryPredicate>
OutputIterator unique_copy(const ExecutionSpace& exespace,                    (5)
                           InputIterator first_from, InputIterator last_from,
                           OutputIterator first_to,
                           BinaryPredicate pred);

template <
  class ExecutionSpace,
  class InputIterator, class OutputIterator,
  class BinaryPredicate>
OutputIterator unique_copy(const std::string& label,                          (6)
                           const ExecutionSpace& exespace,
                           InputIterator first_from, InputIterator last_from,
                           OutputIterator first_to,
                           BinaryPredicate pred);

template <
  class ExecutionSpace,
  class DataType1, class... Properties1,
  class DataType2, class... Properties2,
  class BinaryPredicate>
auto unique_copy(const ExecutionSpace& exespace,                              (7)
                 const Kokkos::View<DataType1, Properties1...>& source,
                 const Kokkos::View<DataType2, Properties2...>& dest,
                 BinaryPredicate pred);

template <
  class ExecutionSpace,
  class DataType1, class... Properties1,
  class DataType2, class... Properties2,
  class BinaryPredicate>
auto unique_copy(const std::string& label,                                    (8)
                 const ExecutionSpace& exespace,
                 const Kokkos::View<DataType1, Properties1...>& source,
                 const Kokkos::View<DataType2, Properties2...>& dest,
                 BinaryPredicate pred);

} //end namespace Experimental
} //end namespace Kokkos


  • Overloads 1,2,5,6: copies the elements from the range [first_from, last_from) to a range starting at first_to such that there are no consecutive equal elements. It returns an iterator to the element after the last element copied in the destination. Equivalence is checked using operator== for (1,2) and the binary predicate pred for (5,6).

  • Overloads 3,4,7,8: copies the elements from the source view to the dest view such that there are no consecutive equal elements. It returns an iterator to the element after the last element copied in the destination view. Equivalence is checked using operator== for (3,4) and the binary predicate pred for (7,8).

Parameters and Requirements#

  • exespace:

    • execution space instance

  • label:

    • used to name the implementation kernels for debugging purposes

    • for 1, the default string is: “Kokkos::unique_copy_iterator_api_default”

    • for 3, the default string is: “Kokkos::unique_copy_ranges_view_api_default”

  • first_from, last_from, first_to:

    • iterators to source range {first,last}_from and destination range first_to

    • must be random access iterators

    • must represent a valid range, i.e., last_from >= first_from (checked in debug mode)

    • must be accessible from exespace

  • source, dest:

    • source and destination views, must be rank-1, and have LayoutLeft, LayoutRight, or LayoutStride

    • must be accessible from exespace


Iterator to the element after the last element copied in the destination range or view