
Header File: <Kokkos_Core.hpp>


Kokkos::RangePolicy<>(begin, end, args...)
Kokkos::RangePolicy<ARGS>(begin, end, args...)
Kokkos::RangePolicy<>(Space(), begin, end, args...)
Kokkos::RangePolicy<ARGS>(Space(), begin, end, args...)

RangePolicy defines an execution policy for a 1D iteration space starting at begin and going to end with an open interval.


template<class ... Args>
class Kokkos::RangePolicy {
    typedef RangePolicy execution_policy;
    typedef typename traits::index_type member_type ;
    typedef typename traits::index_type index_type;

    //Inherited from PolicyTraits<Args...>
    using execution_space   = PolicyTraits<Args...>::execution_space;
    using schedule_type     = PolicyTraits<Args...>::schedule_type;
    using work_tag          = PolicyTraits<Args...>::work_tag;
    using index_type        = PolicyTraits<Args...>::index_type;
    using iteration_pattern = PolicyTraits<Args...>::iteration_pattern;
    using launch_bounds     = PolicyTraits<Args...>::launch_bounds;

    RangePolicy(const RangePolicy&) = default;
    RangePolicy(RangePolicy&&) = default;

    inline RangePolicy();

    template<class ... Args>
    inline RangePolicy( const execution_space & work_space
                      , const member_type work_begin
                      , const member_type work_end
                      , Args ... args);

    template<class ... Args>
    inline RangePolicy( const member_type work_begin
                      , const member_type work_end
                      , Args ... args);

    // retrieve chunk_size
    inline member_type chunk_size() const;
    // set chunk_size to a discrete value
    inline RangePolicy set_chunk_size(int chunk_size_);

    // return ExecSpace instance provided to the constructor
    KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION const execution_space & space() const;
    // return Range begin
    KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION member_type begin() const;
    // return Range end
    KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION member_type end()   const;


Common Arguments for all Execution Policies#

  • Execution Policies generally accept compile time arguments via template parameters and runtime parameters via constructor arguments or setter functions.

  • Template arguments can be given in arbitrary order.





Serial, OpenMP, Threads, Cuda, HIP, SYCL, HPX

Specify the Execution Space to execute the kernel in. Defaults to Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace.


Schedule<Dynamic>, Schedule<Static>

Specify scheduling policy for work items. Dynamic scheduling is implemented through a work stealing queue. Default is machine and backend specific.



Specify integer type to be used for traversing the iteration space. Defaults to int64_t.


LaunchBounds<MaxThreads, MinBlocks>

Specifies hints to to the compiler about CUDA/HIP launch bounds.



Specify the work tag type used to call the functor operator. Any arbitrary type defaults to void.

Public Class Members#



Default Constructor uninitialized policy.

template<class ...InitArgs>
RangePolicy(const int64_t &begin, const int64_t &end, const InitArgs... init_args)#

Provide a start and end index as well as optional arguments to control certain behavior (see below).

template<class ...InitArgs>
RangePolicy(const ExecutionSpace &space, const int64_t &begin, const int64_t &end, const InitArgs... init_args)#

Provide a start and end index and an ExecutionSpace instance to use as the execution resource, as well as optional arguments to control certain behavior (see below).

Optional InitArgs:#

  • ChunkSize : Provide a hint for optimal chunk-size to be used during scheduling. For the SYCL backend, the workgroup size used in a parallel_for kernel can be set via this variable.


  • The start index must not be greater than the end index.


RangePolicy<> policy_1(0, N);
RangePolicy<Cuda> policy_2(5,N-5);
RangePolicy<Schedule<Dynamic>, OpenMP> policy_3(n,m);
RangePolicy<IndexType<int>, Schedule<Dynamic>> policy_4(0, K);
RangePolicy<> policy_6(-3,N+3, ChunkSize(8));
RangePolicy<OpenMP> policy_7(OpenMP(), 0, N, ChunkSize(4));

Note: providing a single integer as a policy to a parallel pattern, implies a defaulted RangePolicy

// These two calls are identical
parallel_for("Loop", N, functor);
parallel_for("Loop", RangePolicy<>(0, N), functor);