Virtual Functions#

Due to oddities of GPU programming, the use of virtual functions in Kokkos parallel regions can be complicated. This document describes the problems you’re likely to face, where they come from, and how to work around them.

The Problem#

In GPU programming, you might have run into the bug of calling a host function from the device. A similar thing can happen for subtle reasons in code using virtual functions. Consider the following code

class ClassWithVirtualFunctions : public SomeBase {
  /** fields */
  KOKKOS_FUNCTION virtual void virtualFunction(){
    // TODO: implement all of physics

ClassWithVirtualFunctions* hostClassInstance = new hostClassInstance();
ClassWithVirtualFunction*  deviceClassInstance;
cudaMalloc((void**)&deviceClassInstance, sizeof(ClassWithVirtualFunction));
cudaMemcpy(deviceClassInstance, hostClassInstance, sizeof(ClassWithVirtualFunction), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

Kokkos::parallel_for("DeviceKernel", SomeCudaPolicy, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const int i) {

At a glance this should be fine, we’ve made a device instance of a class, copied the contents of a host instance into it, and then used it. This code will typically crash, however, because virtualFunction will call a host version of the function. To understand why, you’ll need to understand a bit about how virtual functions are implemented.

V-Tables, V-Pointers, V-ery annoying with GPUs#

Virtual functions allow a program to handle Derived classes through a pointer to their Base class and have things work as they should. To make this work, the compiler needs some way to identify whether a pointer which is nominally to a Base class really is a pointer to the Base, or whether it’s really a pointer to any Derived class. This happens through VPointers and VTables. For every class with virtual functions, there is one VTable shared among all instances, this table contains function pointers for all the virtual functions the class implements.


Okay, so now we have VTables, if a class knows what type it is it could call the correct function. But how does it know?

Remember that we have one VTable shared amongst all instances of a type. Each instance, however, has a hidden member called the VPointer, which on initialization the compiler points at the correct table. So a call to a virtual function simply dereferences that pointer, and then indexes into the VTable to find the precise virtual function called.


Now that we know what the compiler is doing to implement virtual functions, we’ll look at why it doesn’t work with GPU’s

Credit: the content of this section is adapted from Pablo Arias here

Then why doesn’t my code work?#

The reason the intro code might break is that when dealing with GPU-compatible classes with virtual functions, there isn’t one VTable, but two. The first has the host versions of the virtual functions, while the second has the device functions. We’re initializing the class on the host, so it points to the host VTable.

Our cudaMemcpy faithfully copied all the members of the class, including the VPointer merrily pointing at host functions, which we then call on the device.

How to fix this#

The problem here is that we are initializing the class on the Host. If we were initializing on the Device, we’d get the correct VPointer, and thus the correct functions. In pseudocode, we want to move from

Instance* hostInstance = new Instance(); // allocate and initialize host
Instance* deviceInstance; // cudaMalloc'd to allocate
cudaMemcpy(deviceInstance, hostInstance); // to initialize the deivce
Kokkos::parallel_for(... {
  // use deviceInstance

To one where we initialize on the device using a technique called placement new

Instance* deviceInstance; // cudaMalloc'd to allocate it
Kokkos::parallel_for(... {
  new((Instance*)deviceInstance) Instance(); // initialize an instance, and place the result in the pointer deviceInstance

This code is extremely ugly, but leads to a properly initialized instance of the class. Note that like with other uses of new, you need to later free the memory

For a full working example, see the example in the repo.

Complications and Fixes#

The first problem people run into with this is that they want to initialize some fields or nested classes based on host data before moving data down to the device

Instance* hostInstance = new Instance(); // allocate and initialize host
Instance* deviceInstance; // cudaMalloc'd to allocate
cudaMemcpy(deviceInstance, hostInstance); // to initialize the deivce
Kokkos::parallel_for(... {
  // use deviceInstance

We can’t translate this easily, the naive translation would be

Instance* deviceInstance; // cudaMalloc'd to allocate it
Kokkos::parallel_for(... {
  new((Instance*)deviceInstance) Instance(); // initialize an instance, and place the result in the pointer deviceInstance

Which would crash for accessing the host value someHostValue on the device. The most productive solution we’ve found in these cases is to allocate the class in UVM, initialize it on the device, and then fill in fields on the host. To wit:

Instance* deviceInstance = Kokkos::kokkos_malloc<Kokkos::CudaUVMSpace>(sizeof(Instance));
Kokkos::parallel_for(... {
  new((Instance*)deviceInstance) Instance(); // initialize an instance, and place the result in the pointer deviceInstance
deviceInstance->setAField(someHostValue); // set some field on the host

This is the solution that the code teams we have talked to have said is the most productive way to solve the problem.

But what if I do not really need the V-Tables on the device side?#

Consider the following example which calls the virtual operator() on the device from a pointer of derived class type. One might think this should work because no V-Table lookup on the device is neccessary.

#include <Kokkos_Core.hpp>
#include <cstdio>

struct Interface
    virtual ~Interface() = default;

    virtual void operator()( const size_t) const = 0;

struct Implementation : public Interface
    void operator()(const size_t i) const override
    { printf("%zu from Implementation\n", i); }

    void apply(){
            KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA (const size_t i) { this->operator()(i); }

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
      auto implementationPtr = std::make_shared<Implementation>();

Why is this not portable?#

Inside the parallel_for the operator() is called. As Implementation derives from the pure virtual class Interface, the ‘operator()’ is marked override. On ROCm 5.2 this results in a memory access violation. When executing the this->operator()(i) call, the runtime looks into the V-Table and dereferences a host function pointer on the device.

But if that is the case, why does it work with NVCC?#

Notice, that the parallel_for is called from a pointer of type Implementation and not a pointer of type Interface pointing to an Implementation object. Thus, no V-Table lookup for the operator() would be necessary as it can be deduced from the context of the call that it will be Implementation::operator(). But here it comes down to how the compiler handles the lookup. NVCC understands that the call is coming from an Implementation object and thinks: “Oh, I see, that you are calling from an Implementation object, I know it will be the operator() in this class scope, I will do this for you”. ROCm, on the other hand, sees your call and thinks “Oh, this is a call to a virtual method, I will look that up for you” - failing to dereference the host function pointer in the host virtual function table.

How to solve this?#

Strictly speaking, the observed behavior on NVCC is an optimization that uses the context information to avoid the V-Table lookup. If the compiler does not apply this optimization, you can help in different ways by providing additional information. Unfortunately, none of these strategies is fully portable to all backends.

  • Tell the compiler not to look up any function name in the V-Table when calling operator() by using qualified name lookup. For this, you tell the compiler which function you want by spelling out the class scope in which the function should be found e.g. this->Implementation::operator() (i);. This behavior is specified in the C++ Standard. Nevertheless, some backends are not fully compliant to the Standard.

  • Changing the override to final on the operator() in the Implementation class. This tells the compiler the operator() is not changing in derived objects. Many compilers do use this in optimization and deduce which function to call without the V-Table. Nevertheless, this might only work with certain compilers, as this effect of adding final is not specified in the C++ Standard.

  • Similarly, the entire derived class Implementation can be marked final. This is compiler dependent too, for the same reasons.


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