
Header: <Kokkos_StdAlgorithms.hpp>


Moves the elements from the range or from a rank-1 View to the range beginning at d_first or to a target rank-1 View.



This is currently inside the Kokkos::Experimental namespace.

Overload set accepting execution space#

template <class ExecutionSpace, class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator move(const ExecutionSpace& ex, InputIterator first,          (1)
                    InputIterator last, OutputIterator d_first);

template <class ExecutionSpace, class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator move(const std::string& label, const ExecutionSpace& ex,     (2)
                    InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
                    OutputIterator d_first);

template <class ExecutionSpace, class DataType1, class... Properties1,
          class DataType2, class... Properties2>
auto move(const ExecutionSpace& ex,                                         (3)
          const ::Kokkos::View<DataType1, Properties1...>& source,
          ::Kokkos::View<DataType2, Properties2...>& dest);

template <class ExecutionSpace, class DataType1, class... Properties1,
          class DataType2, class... Properties2>
auto move(const std::string& label, const ExecutionSpace& ex,               (4)
          const ::Kokkos::View<DataType1, Properties1...>& source,
          ::Kokkos::View<DataType2, Properties2...>& dest);

Overload set accepting a team handle#

New in version 4.2.

template <class TeamHandleType, class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator move(const TeamHandleType& teamHandle, InputIterator first,  (5)
                    InputIterator last, OutputIterator d_first);

template <class TeamHandleType, class DataType1, class... Properties1,
          class DataType2, class... Properties2>
auto move(const TeamHandleType& teamHandle,                                 (6)
          const ::Kokkos::View<DataType1, Properties1...>& source,
          ::Kokkos::View<DataType2, Properties2...>& dest);

Parameters and Requirements#

  • exespace: execution space instance

  • teamHandle: team handle instance given inside a parallel region when using a TeamPolicy

  • label: string forwarded to internal parallel kernels for debugging purposes

    • for 1, the default string is: “Kokkos::move_iterator_api_default”

    • for 3, the default string is: “Kokkos::move_view_api_default”

    • NOTE: overloads accepting a team handle do not use a label internally

  • first, last, d_first: range of elements to move from and to

    • must be random access iterator

    • must represent a valid range, i.e., last >= first

    • must be accessible from exespace or from the execution space associated with the team handle

  • source, dest: views to move from and to

    • must be rank-1, and have LayoutLeft, LayoutRight, or LayoutStride

    • must be accessible from exespace or from the execution space associated with the team handle

Return Value#

  • 1,2,5: an iterator equal to d_first + Kokkos::Experimental::distance(first, last)

  • 3,4,6: an iterator equal to Kokkos::Experimental::begin(dest) + Kokkos::Experimental:distance(Kokkos::Experimental::begin(source), Kokkos::Experimental::end(source))